What kind of encryption does Speedify use?
Speedify has been designed from the ground up to be the fastest VPN. Although Speedify's bonding protocol is a custom protocol, our encryption and security is based on industry standards and leverages fast hardware acceleration to give you maximum performance.
The core transport security protocol we use is DTLS 1.2. This standards-based technology ( RFC 6347) gives us all of the security of the same encryption that protects HTTPS:// websites like Gmail and Facebook while providing the ability to handle error correction ourselves for much better performance than any other VPN in the face of unreliable lost packets.
For any recent phone or computer, we use AES128-GCM encryption, leveraging the hardware instruction support for AES built into modern CPUs.
If you have an older device that does not support hardware acceleration for AES, Speedify uses the ChaCha encryption cipher to protect your data. ChaCha delivers fast encryption even on older phones without AES acceleration, at 3 times the speeds of the AES ciphers that most other VPNs use. If you're interested, please check out CloudFlare's ChaCha performance testing. For the truly technically minded, here are the standards: RFC 7539 for ChaCha and RFC 7905 for ChaCha over DTLS.
Finally, if you want the technical answer, the encryption is provided with DTLS using TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (if hardware supported) or TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 for older devices. This is implemented using Google's BoringSSL library, which is the same security library that Google's Chrome browser uses.