How can I set data limits in Speedify?

Speedify is here to help you avoid using too much mobile data—and to avoid hefty overage fees from your carrier. How? By letting you set daily and monthly limits on your cellular connection. This option first appears right after you install the app:

If you opt to set these limits, Speedify defaults to a data cap of 2GB per month and 200MB per day on your cellular connection. We also set the cellular to normal priority. This means that we use it less than the primary Wi-Fi connection. Speedify will use the Wi-Fi as long as it is fast enough (20Mbps and up) for what you are doing. If it can't keep up, then Speedify will also use some Cellular connection for a speed boost. If the Wi-Fi fails entirely, it will use cellular as a fail-over.

You can edit these settings by tapping the connection icon for the connection you're interested in managing. Below are some recommendations.

Set a realistic Data Limit: Set a data limit that is lower than your actual monthly cap. You should also set a daily data limit. When you reach 75% of the data limit you set, Speedify will warn you. When you hit the full data limit on a connection, Speedify will stay connected but will stop using that network connection. You will be prompted to either let Speedify continue using the network connection or to stop using it. Of course, if that's your only internet connection, disabling it will take your device offline. This may be better than using more data than you have on your contract. You also have the option of imposing a rate limit when you reach a data limit. This will keep you connected, but slow your connection speed to 200 Kbps.

Note: Speedify only tracks data usage when you are actually connected to the Speedify VPN. If you don't always use Speedify, set usage numbers that are lower than your actual monthly carrier cap.

Daily Data Cap

We recommend starting with a daily limit that's about 10% of your monthly limit. If you set 2GB per month, then set your daily limit to 200MB. We suggest 10% to allow for variation between days: sometimes you'll need more data, sometimes less.

Monthly Data Cap

Note that Speedify only measures data usage while you're connected to Speedify. Unless you use Speedify 100% of the time, set your Monthly Limit to less than your actual carrier data cap.

Overlimit behavior

The Overlimit Behavior determines what happens if this internet connection exceeds your daily or monthly data cap.

Rate Limit

When Rate Limit is enabled, Speedify will restrict the maximum speed of your specific internet connection to any value that you set it to. If you have limited data plan with your Internet provider, this will help prevent overages.

Set your Priority

By default, we set cellular connections to Secondary. This means they won't be used when you have a good Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection. You can also set your cellular connection to Backup, in which case it's used only when the Wi-Fi or Ethernet are not working at all.